The Fullness of Life...Under Lockdown (By Laura Litschi, Theology Chair)

St. Irenaeus is quoted as saying “The glory of God is the human fully alive.” The prayer from the Corrymeela community that students prayed on the first day of remote learning urges us to “live life in its fullness” and “live the life that we are living.” Yet current conditions of ‘social distancing’ and restricted movement require us to rethink what that looks like individually, and as the human community.
With that in mind, one day a week will be set aside to embrace the fullness of living within the constraints of current recommendations that keep us physically apart from others. 

That could mean any number of things. Recall some of the suggestions from Sr. Maria Elena Romero (day 1):
  1. Get creative with prayer
  2. Learn a new skill
  3. Spend extra time with your family
  4. Reconnect with someone who you haven’t been in touch with recently, or someone who might be extra lonely
  5. Consider how you can be of help to people who are struggling in other ways. There are ways to do community service remotely (one example: Marbridge is asking for cards/messages/pen pals to keep their residents connected)
Some more specific ideas:
  • Maybe you take a walk. Or go pray/meditate in your yard. Just get outside! 
  • Learn or relearn a musical instrument. (learn a new song and post a video for us to listen!)
  • Cook something. 
  • Listen to your favorite music album, not in the background while you do something else. Just that. Focus on it.
  • Take a virtual field trip here, or here, or here   
  • Drawing class - Lunch Doodles with Kennedy Center Education Artist-in-Residence Mo Willems 
  • Plant something and tend to its growth over the coming weeks. 
  • Plan a google hangout movie night or meal with your friends. 
  • Find a way to express gratitude to the health care workers, grocery store employees, garbage people, etc. who are keeping society running and on the front lines caring for the sick. 
Get creative! 

Student assignment:
  1. Take the 45 minutes set aside for Theology class to “fully live the life that you are living”
  2. Post a report on the discussion board on Google classroom to tell us what you did (or what you are planning to do if it does not fit in the class time period). Feel free to post a video or picture if you really want to invite us into your experience! 

List of 1 items.

  • We are a

    Family of Families