Adopt-a-School Partnership with Joslin Elementary School (By Glenn Smith ’24)

After a great introduction and call to action with my fellow students at an all-school meeting and across our World Language classes, I’m excited to share with the community the Adopt-A-School partnership with Joslin Elementary School here in our own AISD.  Through this program, St. Michael’s students have different opportunities to help students from other schools “prioritize education in their life” and “assist students with resources and mentoring programs” that otherwise might be missed.
So, to the entire St. Michael’s community, I am currently spearheading our first donation drive for students at Joslin Elementary School and need some help! The first goal is to provide Summer Survival Kits that we will distribute before the end of the school year, which will include markers, crayons, colored pencils, watercolor packs, glue sticks, sketch pads, and sidewalk chalk. While hopefully never the first, second or third reason to give 😊 five items will equal a service hour for up to five hours (but feel free to donate beyond that!).  The donation bins will be located in Dr. Radpay's room in the 100 hall, at Ms. Schaffer’s desk, and behind the glass. Financial donations for more school supplies are also more than welcomed! 
For students interested in dropping off the Survival Kits to Joslin or looking for even more of an opportunity to connect with their students, we are finalizing a time to read books to their elementary students in English, Spanish and Mandarin!  Just email Mr. Cutrer if this is an opportunity you might be interested in.
Thank you so much for your help and support for schools and families in our own backyard.  It’s my hope that this leads to a long-lasting experience and connection between our schools!

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