FCD Prevention Works Parent Seminar on Substance Abuse April 17/19

As part of our guidance program and ongoing commitment to prevention and wellness, we have invited prevention specialists from FCD Prevention Works to join our community. A part of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, FCD is a non-profit organization that provides substance abuse prevention education for schools. Since 1976, they have taught over a million students of all ages.

Their mission is to:
  • Encourage and support the non-use of alcohol and other illegal or illicit drugs during the growing years
  • Empower young people to make healthy, responsible choices regarding alcohol and other drug use
  • Teach students and adults how to recognize the early warning signs of substance abuse and to intervene appropriately
  • Educate students, parents, teachers, and administrators on the physiological and psychological effects of alcohol and other drugs
  • Promote awareness of drug addiction, including alcoholism, as a progressive, chronic, and often fatal disease
  • Provide educational communities with the guidance and training necessary to implement comprehensive, effective approaches to substance abuse prevention
FCD prevention specialists are highly trained professionals who have achieved long-term recovery from alcohol or other drug addictions. This unique perspective enhances the credibility of their message and provides students with role models for happy, healthy, drug-free living. The FCD prevention specialist will also present a parent workshop to offer support and guidance in helping your children enjoy a drug-free adolescence. 
This program presents a perfect opportunity for discussing alcohol and other drug-related issues with your children. Parental involvement is crucial to our efforts to reduce the risks teenagers face. We want our students to hear from both school and home that we are concerned about alcohol, tobacco and other drug use by adolescents, and that we are committed to keeping them safe.
The parent workshop will be held Tuesday, April 17 from 12:10 p.m. to 1:10 p.m. Behind the Glass. There will also be a Parent Drop-In Session on Thursday, April 19 from 3:35 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Behind the Glass for anyone that would like to stop by and address concerns related to drugs and alcohol. 
Please contact Lauren Gavin at lgavin@smca.com if you have any questions.  

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