New Student Health Records Requirements

All required student health records must be uploaded into Magnus, our electronic medical records system. However, please do not enter or upload information into Magnus until after the orientation meeting for new families on April 10, 2019. 

You can access Magnus by logging into mySMCA, going to the Resources page, and clicking on the Magnus Health Records tile.

Blank screening and physical forms may be printed from the Student Health Tracker section in Magnus. 
New students will need:
  1. a current physical
  2. scoliosis screening 
  3. vision screening from 7th grade or later
  4. hearing screening from 7th grade or later
  5. latest copy of immunization record 
Current physical - this means a copy of a physical exam that has been performed within the last 365 days. It will 'expire' one year after the date performed. If your student will be getting a physical in May or later this summer, have the doctor also make note and/or fill out the scoliosis form stating that your student has been examined for scoliosis. Please find the physical exam form here. A copy of the physical exam form from the doctor's electronic records system is acceptable as well.
Scoliosis screening - can be done at the time of the physical exam, as stated above.
Vision and hearing screenings - if your student attends/attended a middle school in Texas, these should have been done in 7th grade. Please contact your student's middle school - now - for a copy. Remember, schools close in May/early June! If you cannot get them from the school, your student's doctor can perform these. If your student wears glasses/contacts, a copy of the prescription for correction is acceptable as a vision screening. 
Immunization record - please obtain the latest record at your doctor's office or current school. 
Please contact the nurse if you have further questions.

List of 1 items.

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