Health Office Reminders (By Neilia Bliss, R.N.)

If you need to contact the nurse over the summer months, please email Neilia Bliss, R.N. at

Just a reminder that ALL students need to have their health records updated before the start of the new school year.

To update student information, log into mySMCA and click on the on the RESOURCES page>Magnus Health Records tile.
  • Please update anything that is due to expire August 1, 2019 or that has a red X.
  • New families, please complete your checklist of TO DO items.
  • Upload all forms directly into Magnus.  Do NOT send paperwork to the school.
  • Remember, new physicals are required each school year (good only for 365 days)
  • TAPPS forms must be filled out and signed by a parent and student each year.
Thank you so much, and have a happy, healthy summer!

List of 1 items.

  • We are a

    Family of Families