Engineer Your World: Programming! (By Roxanne Thurman, Physics & Engineering Instructor)

The Engineering class, through the University of Texas Engineer Your World curriculum, is exploring computer programming skills in two different development environments as students work to build and program an electronic instrument to play a song of their choice.

udents learned about electronic component diagrams by building a circuit using a piezoelectric speaker.  They then utilized an integrated development environment (IDE) by implementing an IDE, including coding functions, comments, variables, and loops, to program the speaker to play a selected song.  Students used Arduino circuit boards and microcontrollers to build their systems before writing the code in mini-bloq and Arduino open source software.  All in one unit, students were introduced to microcontrollers, circuit boards, programming, logical processing, and music theory to create something unique.

The engineering class is open to all students and explores all disciplines in engineering.  If you are interested in the course, go by and chat with Mrs. Thurman.

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