The Virtual Nurse's Office is Always Open (By Neilia Bliss, RN)

Greetings from the virtual nursing office. During this time, everyone's health and safety must be our top priority, along with ensuring that we are prepared to respond to the challenges and changes we are facing.

Perhaps you have students that are already having difficulty with increased time at home and decreased face-to-face social interaction. I encourage you to inspire an adaptive mentality that can adjust to roadblocks and a mentality that also looks for silver linings in difficult situations.

It is important to be able to let go of the things that are out of our control and focus our energy on opportunities, and perhaps even benefits, to our current situation.

Positively focusing our energy can help us to all be more productive and reduce stress.
I encourage you to talk with your families about some of the positives of our new situation.  Perhaps some benefits of our current situation might be more time with family, better sleep schedules, decreased time spent commuting in the car, or something as simple as increased time available to take a walk around the block with the dog. The manner in which we cope with our current situation can and will increase our adaptability and resilience in the future.

It is also important to have access to factual information and resources regarding COVID-19.

Below are the sites that I use frequently:

Community Updates - Texas Dept of State Health Services 
Situation Summary - 
World Health Org - 
Johns Hopkins Interactive COVID19 Map - 
Resource Center
Mental Health and COVID19 –
Information and Resources

I hope that you and your families remain healthy and safe. I am available to communicate about any nursing questions via email, phone or Zoom. Please contact me at if you would like to set something up.

List of 1 items.

  • We are a

    Family of Families